What a Stupid NameHen, what a stupid fucking name. What a frustratingly stupid name. What the fuck were her parents thinking. She got a nickname as a first…Jan 1, 2023Jan 1, 2023
Projekt Melody: Virtual Women Come to PornThere’s a live stream going on now on Chaturbate with a semi-human 3D rendered anime girl. An ever slightly muffled voice comes out from…Apr 30, 2020Apr 30, 2020
Post-Rationalism & RivalVoices— The Continued Failures of LessWrongA Technological death cult with a religious devotion to Bayesian epistemology, A utilitarian action group seeking to most effectively help…Apr 16, 20203Apr 16, 20203
The Case For a Points Based System & Against Mass ImmigrationImmigration policy has been hotly contested for at least the last 10 years, yet in poll after poll after poll during this time the…Feb 20, 2020Feb 20, 2020
Strategic Essentialism and the LawStrategic essentialism is the concept by which groups discursively homogenize themselves in a particular way for a particular goal, even if…Feb 19, 2020Feb 19, 2020
Caroline Flack — Trauma & MediaOn the 13th of December 2019, Caroline Flack was charged with assaulting her boyfriend. On the 15th of February 2020, she was found dead…Feb 18, 2020Feb 18, 2020
A Conversation With the DeadFor most of us, there is an impossibility of existing outside of nation. It is a part of one’s self. It is the community from which you…Feb 17, 2020Feb 17, 2020
Post-Colonial ConservatismPostcolonial studies is the intellectual fashion of our times. Its influences can be found from ‘The Squad’ to the oft ridiculed phenomena…Feb 15, 2020Feb 15, 2020
Liberation Politics — Freedom is SensationThe yearning for freedom, it has been said, is universal. The sensation of being free can be intoxicating and there are very few people who…Feb 14, 2020Feb 14, 2020
Experience and its Modes: A Method of Analysis for Conservative FeministsFeminism and conservatism are not two spheres of thought that are seen as complimentary to each other. It is not without good reason…Feb 14, 2020Feb 14, 2020